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Composr member system
This tutorial explains aspects of the Conversr member system, including usergroups, profiles, and avatars.
Keeping on track of busy forums
It can get hard to keep up with all the discussions if you've got an active community. See how Conversr can help.
Add a New Poll to Your Composr Website
Adding a poll to a community based site is probably one of the most common tasks you will need to complete. Polls can be a fun addition or used as a more important vote for an award or something similar.
Add a Chatroom to Composr
Composr has its own inbuilt text chatrooms available to be used for any community website. Chatrooms are useful for conducting a discussion quicker than utilising the forums.
Setting Up a New Composr Forum
One of Composr's core features is the forum. Composr forums include many of the common forum features found within other well-known forum systems. This tutorial covers the basics.
Setup a New Usergroup in Composr
Depending on the make-up of your Composr site there is a likelihood that you may need to create a new Composr usergroup for your members.
Add Shoutboxes to Composr
A shoutbox is a popular addition to many community websites and is very easy to add. This tutorial covers the process.
Setup a Private Members Forum in Composr
Composr works extremely well as a base for a community website and a common task you may face is wanting to set up a private members area of the website. If you are an owner or moderator for a large community you may find this useful.
Adding a Member Reputation System
This tutorial covers how you can implement a powerful crowdsourced member reputation system to your Conversr site.
Discussion forums
This tutorial will explain how discussion forums work in Conversr, and how best to organise them.
Add a Sub Forum to your Composr Forum
Forums can be small or large, but you need to think about the structure and the user experience. Thankfully Composr makes it very easy for us to create forums.
Facebook Support / Open Graph
Details of Composr Facebook support, particularly capabilities of the non-bundled Facebook Support addon.
Updating the Members Listing in Composr
Once your Composr community-based site gets to a certain size you might want to change how your members list is displayed. This tutorial explains how to change the display options.
Creating an economy/reward-system for members via points
The points system allows members to earn and spend points, creating a great dynamic. Find out how it works.
Basic forum moderation
This tutorial explains how to moderate topics and posts under Conversr, and how post approval works.
The Composr emoticon system
Find out about all the funky-cool emoticons that come with Composr, and how to extinguish them or add more.
Add a Twitter Feed Block to Composr
This tutorial covers various ways Twitter can be integrated into your Composr website.
Advanced Composr member system
How to create Custom Profile Fields, manually add members, and set up welcome e-mails for new members.
Composr Points Explained
It's fairly common that many forums utilise a rank system based on forum posts, but Composr has a much better system: points.
Running chatrooms (features and advice)
Composr includes really cool AJAX-driven chat and instant messaging functionality. Read about the features, and see general advice.
Correspondence between members
How members may send each other messages (Conversr only), using private topics and whispers.
Changing the Composr Forums
As my test site is going to be a community, we need somewhere to hang out and exchange views and ideas, the ideal place is a forum. I'll step through the setup.
Adding an Activity Feed to your Composr Website
There are a range of core and additional features in Composr which social media users will be familiar with. This tutorial deals with the Composr Activity feed addon which will be very familiar to most users of popular social media sites.
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- If you have found documentation problems that you'd like someone else to solve log an issue to the tracker.
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