
Achievements are badges that can be unlocked and showcased on your profile and forum posts. Each achievement has a set of requirements that must be met (and maintained, unless otherwise specified) to earn them. Sometimes, multiple sets of requirements are specified as separated by a horizontal line and "or" (in which case you only need to satisfy one set to earn the achievement). Achievements will be revoked (unless otherwise specified) if you once met the requirements but later no-longer do so. When you unlock an achievement, or an achievement gets revoked, you will be notified (providing you have notifications enabled for them in your profile settings).

For performance reasons, progress tracking is cached and might not be fully up-to-date (therefore, unlocking achievements might not be immediate). Progress is re-calculated when you visit the site on a new day, and also randomly by the system scheduler.

Below is a list of public achievements you can unlock, their requirements, and your progress towards unlocking them. There may be hidden achievements not listed below which can also be unlocked or manually awarded to you by staff.

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