Tutorials – Learning Composr
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Advanced provision of downloads
We go through some of the advanced features in the downloads system, such as batch importing, and download selling.
Catalogues in Composr
If you want to create your own mini-database, a Composr catalogue will allow you to do it. This tutorial steps you through with some examples.
Advanced galleries
We go through some of the advanced features in the gallery system, such as batch importing, and personal galleries.
Providing galleries
A gallery system is provided for the storage, organisation and viewing of images and videos. Read about it.
Aggregate Content Types
How to set up complex content types, by linking standard Composr types/structure together.
Catalogue field references
This tutorial shows some advanced usage of catalogue field references. It will show you how to create a reference from one catalogue to another, and then extract individual fields for display.
Advanced Comcode
Some of the more advanced aspects of the Comcode system explained, for those who already know the basics.
Comcode and the attachment system
Create dynamic effects and display rich media, without having to write any XHTML, CSS, or JavaScript.
Setting Up Classified Ads on Composr
Depending on the purpose behind your Composr website, it may be you will want to generate revenue from your site. Classified ads is one way to do this.
Custom structured content (via Wiki+)
The Wiki+ system is Composr's equivalent to a wiki, but extended with additional features.
Providing downloads
You can make large files available to your visitors using the Composr downloads system. Read about it.
Setting Timed Content for Composr on a cPanel host
This tutorial explains how to set up Cron, and therefore scheduled postings, on a real webhost.
Finding Your Way Around the Composr Admin Zone
One of Composr's biggest strengths is its large amount of features. However, to a new user the Admin Zone may initially look a little overwhelming. This tutorial is a brief walk through it.
Searching your website
Find out how Composr's search engine can make it easy to search all the content on your website at once.
Practical page editing (a walk through)
In this tutorial I show how to make some edits to the Composr front page, while crossing into many important techniques and concepts for Composr and in general.
Add a Survey to a Composr Website
Surveys make up an important part of many website types. They can be used to obtain feedback and information from your community members. A business can get important feedback.
Set a Recurring Event in Composr
Composr has an inbuilt calendar system which is quite straight forward to use. The calendar system also allows for repeat event and for quite complex recurrence sequences.
WYSIWYG editing
This tutorial provides some advanced information on the WYSIWYG editor, for those wanting to push it to the limit.
Adding an Image Slider to Composr
Many websites now make use of sliders to convey information to their visitors. It's incredibly common especially in the world of eCommerce as it allows several items to be displayed neatly together.
Set Up a Workflow in Composr
For larger enterprises and companies the ability to have multiple levels of sign off for website content can be important. This is covered by the workflows addon (which out-of-the-box supports only galleries, but is extendible.
Releasing news & running a Blog
How to use the news system for website news, press releases, blogs, or any other kind of article.
Advanced news
Details on some of the more complex features available for news, including blogging and syndication.
Add a New Poll to Your Composr Website
Adding a poll to a community based site is probably one of the most common tasks you will need to complete. Polls can be a fun addition or used as a more important vote for an award or something similar.
Running a calendar/diary
How to create a community calendar, or let your members maintain online diaries.
Custom structured content (via catalogues)
The catalogue system lets you set up your own databases on your website.
Adding standalone pages of content (via Comcode)
How to add new pages, using Comcode. It couldn't be simpler to do: Comcode pages almost look like plain text.
A Detailed Look at the Composr Calendar System
The Calendar in Composr has a wide range of different options which can be used for a wide range of purposes. As you can create many different event types, it allows you to use this for just about any purpose from displaying a list of fixtures for a sports club, a range of tour dates for a band or even a personal diary.
Choosing how to publish
Details on different publishing features available in Composr, and their advantages/disadvantages.
An Overview of Galleries in Composr
Like many other key elements of popular websites, Composr Galleries are included as a core feature of the CMS. The Gallery in Composr supports both Images and Videos.
Using the if_in_group in Composr
We give an example of showing different content to different usergroups.
Taking a More Detailed Look at Composr Catalogues System
Composr's inbuilt catalogue system is a very useful tool and can be used for a wide range of tasks relating to the display of information on your Composr website.
Find out how authors are different to members, and the tools available to you to create and manage them.
Explaining the Composr Quiz Module
Quizzes in Composr have multiple purposes. For example, collecting data, fun, giveaways and competitions.
Integrating a YouTube Channel to Composr
Composr offers an addon to be able to display videos from a specific YouTube channel on your website. This tutorial shows how it works.
Build a Download Library in Composr
Composr offers a fully equipped and well-rounded system for uploading your files and sharing them to your website visitors.
Setup a Wiki in Composr
Wikis are great for large community driven websites for sharing information. This tutorial provides some basic information on Composr's Wiki+ system.
Early access codes for sharing early content and designs
This tutorial covers how you can distribute early access codes for early access to restricted site content and designs.
SU and the if_in_group tag
How to switch users under your admin login, and how to customise page contents based on usergroup membership.
Configure the News Display in Composr
This tutorial explains how the main_news block can be configured to show different formulations of news.
Embedding a Google map
Tutorial showing how to embed an HTML widget (Google Maps in this case) into a Comcode page.
How to Add an Information Block to Composr
Composr websites, like most websites are made up of information. Composr achieves this through displaying a range of content blocks.
Adding New Page Options in Composr
Adding a new page is one of the most common tasks you will need to do with any website. This process is quite simple and explained in this tutorial.
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- If you have found documentation problems that you'd like someone else to solve log an issue to the tracker.
- If you'd like to contribute a chunk of documentation to go into a tutorial, also log an issue to the tracker.
- If you want to contribute a new tutorial you can submit a link.