Tutorials – Learning Composr
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Editing Site-Wide Privileges in Composr
When you are creating a new usergroup you will usually want to customise the permissions for all of the members within. This tutorial explains how privileges work.
Using the if_in_group in Composr
We give an example of showing different content to different usergroups.
Security in Composr
The inbuilt security of Composr is one of its strongest features. This ranges from many inbuilt features to the close integration of features using the same very high coding standards.
Access control and privileges
A detailed explanation of how you can configure permissions, how to test them, and how to manage them.
Keeping Track of a busy Composr Site
This tutorial covers some regular and irregular maintenance tasks you'll want to perform.
An Introduction to Composr
In this first Composr tutorial of mine I give a brief overview of Composr.
Dealing with annoying users
Little tricks: changing their permissions via usergroups, mandating prior post approval, and how to ban them.
SU and the if_in_group tag
How to switch users under your admin login, and how to customise page contents based on usergroup membership.
Using IP addresses to trace users
If you find a hacker, you may want to try and trace them back to a real world source. We introduce you to your toolkit.
Integrating Composr into a network via HTTP authentication
Sometimes, for integration reasons, you want users to login in to Composr via HTTP authentication. We show you how.
Integrating Composr into a corporate network via LDAP
How to integrate Composr into a corporate network via LDAP (OpenLDAP, or Microsoft Active Directory).
Creating a Hidden Members Zone in Composr
It's quite common for community sites to have a hidden member's area of the site where you can post private updates or information relating to things you don't want guests to see.
Stopping Spammers in Composr
One thing every website has to contend with eventually will be stopping spammers from making your user's life a misery. This tutorial goes over some features within Composr.
Need better information?
The Composr documentation is user-driven:
- If you have found documentation problems that you'd like someone else to solve log an issue to the tracker.
- If you'd like to contribute a chunk of documentation to go into a tutorial, also log an issue to the tracker.
- If you want to contribute a new tutorial you can submit a link.