Tutorials – Learning Composr
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Parental Controls and Child Safety
How to comply with regional laws governing child safety and privacy.
Stopping Spammers in Composr
One thing every website has to contend with eventually will be stopping spammers from making your user's life a misery. This tutorial goes over some features within Composr.
Understanding and configuring e-mail
Setting up e-mail servers can be complex with all the protocols/standards out there. Let's cut through the confusion.
A social site in under 40 minutes
This video was originally made for our old ocportal.com front page. Note that this was for an older version so is quite outdated.
Advanced configuration
Setting permissions. Search-Engine-Friendly URLs. Addons. Changing Installation Options.
Set Up Short URLs in Composr
Most Website users expect easy to read website URLs, which also help a great deal with Search Engine Optimisation. This 'How To' deals with how to set up the Short URLs in Composr.
Access control and privileges
A detailed explanation of how you can configure permissions, how to test them, and how to manage them.
Editing Site-Wide Privileges in Composr
When you are creating a new usergroup you will usually want to customise the permissions for all of the members within. This tutorial explains how privileges work.
Finding Your Way Around the Composr Admin Zone
One of Composr's biggest strengths is its large amount of features. However, to a new user the Admin Zone may initially look a little overwhelming. This tutorial is a brief walk through it.
Basic configuration and getting started
Once Composr is installed, there is some basic configuration to do before your website is ready to open. We discuss it here.
Need better information?
The Composr documentation is user-driven:
- If you have found documentation problems that you'd like someone else to solve log an issue to the tracker.
- If you'd like to contribute a chunk of documentation to go into a tutorial, also log an issue to the tracker.
- If you want to contribute a new tutorial you can submit a link.