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Composr member system
This tutorial explains aspects of the Conversr member system, including usergroups, profiles, and avatars.
People in their roles
Find out the difference between the 12 terms we use for describing the people who interact with a Composr website.
Integrating Composr into a corporate network via LDAP
How to integrate Composr into a corporate network via LDAP (OpenLDAP, or Microsoft Active Directory).
Setup a Private Members Forum in Composr
Composr works extremely well as a base for a community website and a common task you may face is wanting to set up a private members area of the website. If you are an owner or moderator for a large community you may find this useful.
Updating the Members Listing in Composr
Once your Composr community-based site gets to a certain size you might want to change how your members list is displayed. This tutorial explains how to change the display options.
Adding a Member Reputation System
This tutorial covers how you can implement a powerful crowdsourced member reputation system to your Conversr site.
Parental Controls and Child Safety
How to comply with regional laws governing child safety and privacy.
Integrating Composr into a network via HTTP authentication
Sometimes, for integration reasons, you want users to login in to Composr via HTTP authentication. We show you how.
SU and the if_in_group tag
How to switch users under your admin login, and how to customise page contents based on usergroup membership.
Setup a New Usergroup in Composr
Depending on the make-up of your Composr site there is a likelihood that you may need to create a new Composr usergroup for your members.
Advanced Composr member system
How to create Custom Profile Fields, manually add members, and set up welcome e-mails for new members.
Setting Up a Map of Your Composr User's Locations
This tutorial explains how to add a map of user's locations to your website.
Creating a Hidden Members Zone in Composr
It's quite common for community sites to have a hidden member's area of the site where you can post private updates or information relating to things you don't want guests to see.
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The Composr documentation is user-driven:
- If you have found documentation problems that you'd like someone else to solve log an issue to the tracker.
- If you'd like to contribute a chunk of documentation to go into a tutorial, also log an issue to the tracker.
- If you want to contribute a new tutorial you can submit a link.