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Discussion forums
This tutorial will explain how discussion forums work in Conversr, and how best to organise them.
Nuances of forum integration
Composr supports integration with a number of forum systems through our forum driver system. We discuss any issues here.
Add a Sub Forum to your Composr Forum
Forums can be small or large, but you need to think about the structure and the user experience. Thankfully Composr makes it very easy for us to create forums.
Setup a Private Members Forum in Composr
Composr works extremely well as a base for a community website and a common task you may face is wanting to set up a private members area of the website. If you are an owner or moderator for a large community you may find this useful.
Basic forum moderation
This tutorial explains how to moderate topics and posts under Conversr, and how post approval works.
Keeping on track of busy forums
It can get hard to keep up with all the discussions if you've got an active community. See how Conversr can help.
Changing the Composr Forums
As my test site is going to be a community, we need somewhere to hang out and exchange views and ideas, the ideal place is a forum. I'll step through the setup.
Setting Up a New Composr Forum
One of Composr's core features is the forum. Composr forums include many of the common forum features found within other well-known forum systems. This tutorial covers the basics.
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- If you have found documentation problems that you'd like someone else to solve log an issue to the tracker.
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