Download Composr CMS
On this page, you can view information about Composr CMS and download it.Looking for version 10?
Head on over to to download version 10.
Before you Download
Check out our FAQ before downloading and installing version 11 beta.Are you upgrading?
Instead of using this page, you should go to your Admin Zone dashboard to upgrade your site. You can also browse our release archives to generate a personal upgrader file, and then go to yourbaseurl/upgrader.php to upgrade using your personal upgrader.
We highly advise against upgrading from version 10 at this time. Version 11 is still bleeding edge and intended for testing purposes only; the upgrader will likely break your v10 site.
Download / Transfer Files
Transfer the installation files to your server. Here are our latest available versions of Composr CMS:Bleeding Edge (Unstable)
Are you able to beta-test the new version: v11 beta7?
It may not be as stable as our main version.
Did You Know?
When a new version of Composr CMS v11 is released, we change the background image and the colours of the site.
After doing that, go to yourbaseurl/install.php to run the install wizard.
For Developers
Git is the revision control system we use to collaborate on Composr's development. You can access our GitLab repository by clicking here. Version 11 is on the v11 branch.We often commit fixes to Git before patch releases come out. Consider the Git repository "bleeding-edge" which means it is unstable, liable to bugs, and not as strictly tested as official releases. Be aware that the Git repository also has many non-bundled addons in it. We develop them in there to keep them up-to-date. There is a script called delete_alien_files.php which will erase them. You need to first delete the sources_custom/hooks/systems/addon_registry/*.php files of any addons you don't want, then run the script, then run the commands the script says (after reviewing), then install.
We accept and encourage external contributions via merge requests to the repository. Please Contact Us (under Free services > Make a partnership enquiry) after making a merge request if you would like to be listed as a developer or receive points for your contributions. We also encourage the submission of addons via our Addon submission guidelines.
We recommend the following criteria for an optimal install of Composr CMS:- Apache or IIS webserver
- Composr CMS may also work with NGINX or LiteSpeed with special considerations and configuration; it is not supported
- PHP 7.2 or above (ideally do not use any end-of-life versions)
- Memory limit set to 128 MB or above
- No disallowed_functions, max_input_vars
- Max execution time of 30 - 300 seconds (make sure no downstream software will affect this such as NGINX or Cloudflare)
- A cache enabled such as opCache
- The following extensions enabled:
- Ctype
- cURL
- GD2
- Gettext
- Hash
- Intl
- Json
- Posix
- Sodium (if you enable anonymous sending of errors or telemetry to
- Unicode
- ZipArchive
- zlib
- OpenSSL
- mysqli or pdo_mysql (if using MySQL or MariaDB)
- MySQL 5.5.3 or higher (tested up to 8.2), or MariaDB 10 (tested up to 10.6)
- You could also use PostgreSQL or a flat-file XML database, but these are not regularly tested or supported
- 250 MB free storage space at minimum
- a suEXEC-like filesystem (unless you are okay with using chmod)
- turn ModSecurity off, or set it to detection only (Composr has its own built-in Web Application Firewall, and ModSecurity will interfere with Composr's functionality)