Author: Kamen Blaginov
Nothing is known about this author
The following downloads are in our database from this author…
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 6K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
Assign trusted members as mentors who will help new members. As a bonus the mentor will get the same amount of points that his new friend gained during the first week.
There will be a configurable mentors usergroup, from which random members will be selected to be made friends with newly joined members (it will make them friends and also will create a Private Topic between them explaining the automatic friendship).
To set the mentor group go to Admin Zone…
Ebay Store
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
The block is more suitable to be used as a main block because if it placed on a panel the block size is too small and it is hard to be navigated inside of it. The block dimensions width/height could also be adjusted (to fit better on the block area).
The normal Composr block construction assistant will help you set up the block on your site.
Website Software Requirements
Min…Amazon Affiliate Sales
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
An affiliate Amazon block.
The block can be configured by the block parameters (associates id, product line, subject/keywords, and how many items to be displayed inside the block).
This addon allows you to create a banner link to a number of banners from your Amazon affiliate account. You will need to know your Amazon affiliate ID as well as the Amazon category (Books, Music, Software etc) and the search term you want it to display banners from.
The normal…
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
There are four options:
- "Members that are inactive, but have a lot of points"
- "Members that are rich"
- "Members that are random" (random member(-s) selection
- "Members that are in a certain usergroup"
You can also decide how many users/victims Stealr will steal from and how much to steal.
After stealing the poin…
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
Members can deposit some of their hard earned points (but not the gift points) into a "bank account" and extract them again only after a month. The administrator can set the interest rate, that users will get with their points back at the end of the account term. To set the Interest rate go to Admin Zone > Setup > Manage eCommerce inventory and click "edit your eCommerce configuration" and change the interest rate to the level you would like. To deposit…
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 2K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
Randomly creates Private Topics between two random members with an insult inside of it (and a brief explanation).
The insult is randomly selected from a list which also includes insults-comebacks. This list is configurable in the Admin Zone under Setup (Manage insults icon). You should separate the insults from comebacks by equal sign(=) and add any new insults on a new line (the same way this is done in Random quotes section).
The insulted member has to…
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
Encourage your website users to interact more and increase their activity. You can release a number of diseases all at once or one at a time. Disastr comes configured with a number of pre-created viruses and you can add more. There are also Cures and Immunisations for the diseases which can be purchased through the eCommerce. Each disease will cause a member's points total to become sick and start going down unless they buy the cure. The cure is usually…
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
The gifts are configurable by the admin section:
- gift title (name)
- gift image
- gift price (in points)
When a gift is sent to a member it creates a Private Topic that describes the gift. Also, it places the gift in the list of gifts received by the member in the profile section. Gifts also could be sent anonymousl…
Google Search
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
Embed Google site search onto your site.
This addon consists of two blocks: a side block with the google search form and a main block, where google results are displayed. When you install this addon it will create a standard results page called _google_search; this page can be edited or customised in the same way as any other page.
In addition you can create your own page or put a main_google_results block on an existing page. When you add the side_google…
Charity Banners
- By:
- Kamen Blaginov
- Downloads:
- 1K
- Added:
- 27th Mar 2024
Automatically creates a button banner type and banners for it and set them in a main (or side) block. Administrator could enable/disable banners, and also add custom banners.
The auto-created bundled banners are for 'causes' and are: Composr, Firefox, W3C XHTML, W3C CSS, W3C WCAG, CancerResearch, RSPCA, PETA, Unicef, WWF, Greenpeace, HelpTheAged, NSPCC, Oxfam, BringDownIE6, CND, Amnesty International, British Heart Foundation, GNU.
To Use the Block go to…
The following news articles are in our database from this author…