This is just a placeholder site for Composr CMS 11 beta. It will become the new homesite once version 11 reaches stable. For the current v10 homesite, click here. Please also use the v10 tracker to report v11 issues.
The telemetry service is being re-built and will not work for any sites until v11 beta7. Please report all Composr errors you encounter to the tracker to ensure the developers receive them.
Shows different catalogue entries' longitude/latitude values as pins on a Google map (maintenance status). Clicking on the pin shows the catalogue entry in a little box (as a link to the entry).
Before you can use the block you must first configure the API:
Configure the Google API Key in the configuration (Admin Zone > Configuration > Setup > Composr API options > Google API)
Make sure that Google Maps JavaScript API is enabled on Google's end
Automatically creates a button banner type and banners for it and set them in a main (or side) block. Administrator could enable/disable banners, and also add custom banners.
The auto-created bundled banners are for 'causes' and are: Composr, Firefox, W3C XHTML, W3C CSS, W3C WCAG, CancerResearch, RSPCA, PETA, Unicef, WWF, Greenpeace, HelpTheAged, NSPCC, Oxfam, BringDownIE6, CND, Amnesty International, British Heart Foundation, GNU.
PDF media (including the Comcode media tag, Comcode attachments, and in galleries) will be displayed inline using a PDF viewer than prevents easy download or printing.
Note that in order for this addon to work properly, your server must be able to specify the application/javascript MIME type for .mjs files. This is handled for Apache automatically if you use recommended.htaccess from the software.
Ever wished it was quicker to navigate around your site? If you're anything like us you get tired of having to move the mouse all around screens, and wait for half a dozen page loads, to get where you're going. There is an admin menu and sitemap in Composr, but that's still not as fast as a native desktop interface. Coming to the rescue is this simple addon that will export your whole sitemap to your web browsers…
The addon adds extra Custom Profile Fields to store members coordinates to store their latitude and logitude. The addon can automatically populate the members when members visit the block page. Members can edit their locations in their profile.
Before you can use the block you must first configure the API:
Configure the Google API Key in the configuration (Admin Zone > Configuration > Setup