Released 2020-10-02
0004386: [core] Misc e-mail debugging improvements (Chris Graham)
0004302: [core] Consider key-val format for DISPLAY of CPFs that use it (Chris Graham)
0004358: [core_cns] Better handling of incorrect usernames (Chris Graham)
0004357: [core] Pagination fixes (Chris Graham)
0004353: [cns_clubs] Tidy up clubs feature (Chris Graham)
0004382: [authors] Various confusing issues setting up authors (Chris Graham)
0004395: [core] main_multi_content block lifetime parameter not working (Chris Graham)
0004394: [search] Search optimisations (Chris Graham)
0004393: [points] Leader-board rank image detection wrong (Chris Graham)
0004392: [core_rich_media] Textcode within Comcode should not be processed for WYSIWYG-encapsulated code tags (Chris Graham)
0004391: [core] main_multi_content block not respecting validation (Chris Graham)
0004390: [catalogues] Fix problems displaying catalogue categories (Chris Graham)
0004389: [core_rich_media] Error sometimes with Comcode forum tags (Chris Graham)
0004388: [core] Fix search performance on custom fields (Chris Graham)
0004387: [core] Dark mode fixes (Chris Graham)
0004384: [core] Tempcode optimisations (Chris Graham)
0004381: [downloads] Overridden download-downloads privileges are not recognised (Chris Graham)
0004380: [search] Error doing search module autocomplete of news title searching (Chris Graham)
0004379: [core] Small optimisation for notification lockdown checks (Chris Graham)
0004378: [calendar] iCal overlay not working for non-admins (Chris Graham)
0004376: [core] Improve theme image decache tool (Chris Graham)
0004374: [core_upgrader] Various minor upgrade issues (Chris Graham)
0004373: [core] Breadcrumbs from Comcode page titles are double-encoded (Chris Graham)
0004372: [core_rich_media] Comcode 'overlay' tag aligns incorrectly on fixed width themes (Chris Graham)
0004371: [banners] HTML banners do not work on network script (Chris Graham)
0004370: [core] Incorrect error message for git-hooks directory (Chris Graham)
0004361: [cns_forum] Invalid URLs for forumview module may produce error on newer PHP versions (Chris Graham)
0004356: [core_cns] admin_cns_members has non-encoded dependency on securitylogging (Chris Graham)
0004355: [core_menus] URLs no longer working on menus (Chris Graham)
0004354: [core] CloudFlare IP inclusion-list needs updating (Chris Graham)
0004349: [core] Allow looser Comcode and Tempcode syntax (Chris Graham)
0004352: [core] Crash on PHP 5.x versions in some situations (Chris Graham)
0004351: [cns_clubs] Missing dependency between cns_clubs and cns_forum (Chris Graham)
0004350: [core] Canonicalise and fixing of .sh script permissions (Chris Graham)
0004347: [core_cns] Unknown authentication schemes produce fatal error (Chris Graham)
0004346: [cns_warnings] Fix error in cns_warn_spam_urls template preview (Chris Graham)
0004345: [core_menus] Allow disabling default Pages menu (Chris Graham)
0004344: [core_menus] Allow stitching a stored menu onto a Sitemap-based menu (Chris Graham)
0004341: [core_menus] Allow setting node types to NOT include on menu (Chris Graham)
0004339: [core_cns] Implement code to rebuilt all CPF indexes (Chris Graham)
0004338: [core] Content box display optimisations (Chris Graham)
0004336: [core] Bootstrapping issue with hack-attacks on keep_lang parameter (Chris Graham)
0004335: [core] Race condition loading from self-learning cache (Chris Graham)
0004334: [cns_forum] When topics are made private they should be removed from XML Sitemap (Chris Graham)
0004331: [core_cns] Hidden usergroups should not appear on XML Sitemap (Chris Graham)
0004330: [core] Setting permissions on certain modules fail (Chris Graham)
0004328: [core] Allow detecting InfoZip as a custom install (Chris Graham)
0004327: [core] Improve PHP path detection (Chris Graham)
0004326: [core] ImageMagick should be configurable (Chris Graham)
0004321: [search] Meta tags being shown for unvalidated entries (Chris Graham)
0004323: [core] keep_just_show_query URL flag produces error (Chris Graham)
0004322: [catalogues] Catalogue access permission not checked for building automatic menus (Chris Graham)
0004320: [securitylogging] Limit IP lookup for a member (Chris Graham)
0004319: [core_cns] Secondary group members not showing (Chris Graham)
0004318: [cns_forum] Multi-quoting posts in a private topic fails (Chris Graham)
0004317: [cns_forum] Error editing empty topic (Chris Graham)
0004316: [core_menus] Fatal error when generating empty menus (Chris Graham)
0004312: [securitylogging] Wildcard IP bans not working (Chris Graham)
0004305: [core] Out of memory errors in admin areas (Chris Graham)
0004310: [core] Not all attached messages are consistently attached (Chris Graham)
0004309: [core] HTTP header collection repeats headers from previous requests (Chris Graham)
0004308: [core_language_editing] Translation interface unusable (Chris Graham)
0004307: [core] Empty base URL breaks CORs (Chris Graham)
0004304: [help_page] Poor handing of non-installed addons in default Comcode pages (Chris Graham)
0004303: [core_rich_media] Comcode search highlighter can corrupt Comcode (Chris Graham)
0004300: [core_form_interfaces] Form field width needs limiting (Chris Graham)
0004299: [core_cns] Member directory too slow (Chris Graham)
0004298: [core_cns] Complex member mention notification redirection issue (Chris Graham)
0004297: [core_form_interfaces] Mobile mode preview has incorrect alignment (Chris Graham)
0004296: [core_menus] Repeated arrow image on mobile mode for tree menus (Chris Graham)
0004295: [newsletter] Spambots may target newsletter form (Chris Graham)
0004293: [core] display_seconds_period function not working for long times (Chris Graham)
0004292: [catalogues] Catalogue tabular view should auto-size (Chris Graham)
0004273: [core_notifications] Incorrect queue bypassing for notification emails (Chris Graham)
0004272: [calendar] Sitemap handling errors for calendar (Chris Graham)
0004271: [news] Points not assigned for blog posts (Chris Graham)
0004270: [core_upgrader] ModSecurity may stop upgrader integrity checker working (Chris Graham)
0004269: [core] Decision Tree system needs to support CAPTCHA (Chris Graham)
78 issues View Issues