Welcome to the feature tracker, the tool used to plan new versions of Composr (amongst other things). All Composr's planned features are organised on this feature tracker. Please be aware that Composr maintains no formal roadmap for Composr (for good reasons that we explain in our FAQ – in summary, it wouldn't work) so no conclusions about “what is around the corner” should be drawn from the issues here (unless you can sponsor/contribute things). It does however provide a real foundation for transparency and engagement. For more information, see the appropriate part of the providing feedback tutorial.


Resolved 1 - 10 / 131

Not Financially Sponsored
cms_homesite: CMS_REPOS_URL symbol missing
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-11-18 17:55
Financially Sponsored
spreadsheets: Replace Spout with another library
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-11-12 23:43
Not Financially Sponsored
Hybridauth: maximum execution time on session_start
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-09-13 03:23
Financially Sponsored
Facebook addon needs overhauling
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-09-03 20:05
Not Financially Sponsored
Update MantisBT
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-08-05 01:13
Not Financially Sponsored
Add contributors to the release notes of every release
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-07-25 19:40
Not Financially Sponsored
Refactor make_release into a proper module admin_make_release (+ additional changes as indicated)
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-07-25 19:17
Financially Sponsored
push bugfix: Add legacy code to support compo.sr
[Composr testing - manual ideas] [All Projects] General - 2024-05-22 17:22
Financially Sponsored
Move push bugfix to module
[Composr testing - manual ideas] [All Projects] General - 2024-04-07 20:33
Not Financially Sponsored
composr_homesite: Data script for installation checking + results table
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-03-30 21:55
Not Financially Sponsored
locations_catalogues: Currently broken because of revised locations system
[All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2025-03-06 17:56


   2025-03-22 .. 2025-03-29   
No activity within time range.