6003 Not Financially Sponsored |
cms_homesite: CMS_REPOS_URL symbol missing [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-11-18 17:55 |
5634 Financially Sponsored |
spreadsheets: Replace Spout with another library [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-11-12 23:43 |
5665 Not Financially Sponsored |
Hybridauth: maximum execution time on session_start [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-09-13 03:23 |
4198 Financially Sponsored |
Facebook addon needs overhauling [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-09-03 20:05 |
5622 Not Financially Sponsored |
Update MantisBT [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-08-05 01:13 |
5556 Not Financially Sponsored |
Add contributors to the release notes of every release [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-07-25 19:40 |
5608 Not Financially Sponsored |
Refactor make_release into a proper module admin_make_release (+ additional changes as indicated) [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-07-25 19:17 |
5776 Financially Sponsored |
push bugfix: Add legacy code to support compo.sr [Composr testing - manual ideas] [All Projects] General - 2024-05-22 17:22 |
5680 Financially Sponsored |
Move push bugfix to module [Composr testing - manual ideas] [All Projects] General - 2024-04-07 20:33 |
5654 Not Financially Sponsored |
composr_homesite: Data script for installation checking + results table [All Projects] General / Uncategorised - 2024-03-30 21:55 |