
(128 KB)

Extend the simple yes/no validation system of Composr to allows user-defined "workflows". A workflow contains an ordered list of "approval levels", such as 'design' or 'spelling', and each of these has a list of usergroups which have permission to approve it.

New content enters the default workflow (unless another is specified) and notifications are sent to those users with permission to approve the next level. This continues until all of the levels are approved, at which point the content goes live.

Note that this addon only affects galleries at the moment, and it requires the "validation" system to be installed (this comes with Composr but may have been uninstalled). Other content types can be added by a programmer as this addon has been implemented in a modular way.

System Requirements / Dependencies

validation, galleries

Website Software Requirements

Minimum version: 11


Licensed on the same terms as Composr


