This is just a placeholder site for Composr CMS 11 beta. It will become the new homesite once version 11 reaches stable. For the current v10 homesite, click here. Please also use the v10 tracker to report v11 issues.
The telemetry service is being re-built and will not work for any sites until v11 beta7. Please report all Composr errors you encounter to the tracker to ensure the developers receive them.
This is an addon that extends the capabilities of the validation addon. You can create and distribute access codes for non-validated content to people for whom you want early access. This can also be used in Tempcode through the $HAS_TRIGGER_ACCESS symbol to hide certain parts of a theme except to those using the access code. This addon supports limiting access codes by dates and by view counts.
Extend the simple yes/no validation system of Composr to allows user-defined "workflows". A workflow contains an ordered list of "approval levels", such as 'design' or 'spelling', and each of these has a list of usergroups which have permission to approve it.
New content enters the default workflow (unless another is specified) and notifications are sent to those users with permission to approve the next level. This continues until all of the levels are…