Charity Banners

(93 KB)

Automatically creates a button banner type and banners for it and set them in a main (or side) block. Administrator could enable/disable banners, and also add custom banners.

The auto-created bundled banners are for 'causes' and are: Composr, Firefox, W3C XHTML, W3C CSS, W3C WCAG, CancerResearch, RSPCA, PETA, Unicef, WWF, Greenpeace, HelpTheAged, NSPCC, Oxfam, BringDownIE6, CND, Amnesty International, British Heart Foundation, GNU.

To Use the Block go to where you would like the block to be placed (likely either a side panel or the front page) and use the add block button.

You have 3 block parameters to fill in:
  • param will be "buttons" as standard but you could create a different banner type and use that if you want.
  • You only need to put something in extra if its a side panel in which case you put "side" in there.
  • max is the maximum number of banners you want to display.

An example:


[block="buttons" extra="side" max="5"]main_buttons[/block]
If you want to delete some of the banners:
  1. Go to the Banners section under Content Management
  2. Click Edit Banner
  3. Choose a banner you want to delete
  4. Select delete at the bottom and Save
  5. Repeat till only the banners you want are showing

You can add more banners through this section, just make sure they are 120px × 60px.

System Requirements / Dependencies


Website Software Requirements

Minimum version: 11
Maximum version: 11.9


Licensed on the same terms as Composr


