
(28 KB)

Add some random dynamic chaos to your website and has a number of options you can configure such as who you want points to be automatically stolen from.

There are four options:
  • "Members that are inactive, but have a lot of points"
  • "Members that are rich"
  • "Members that are random" (random member(-s) selection
  • "Members that are in a certain usergroup"

You can also decide how many users/victims Stealr will steal from and how much to steal.

After stealing the points from the "unlucky" members and giving them to "lucky" members it creates a Private Topics between them to explain what happened.

To configure Stealr go to Admin Zone > Setup > Configuration > eCommerce options, and scroll down to the Stealr options.

System Requirements / Dependencies

System scheduler, Conversr, points, ecommerce

Website Software Requirements

Minimum version: 11
Maximum version: 11.9


Licensed on the same terms as Composr


