11 beta8 coming in a week or two


Version 11 beta7 was released a couple days ago. Due to the number of core changes, I expected it to be a very rough version with some bugs. And I was right.

As such, version 11 beta8 will probably come out in a week or two to address these issues.

Additionally, some unusual download activity was detected on composr.app, and I want to enable anti-leech to stop this. Unfortunately, Composr is not yet able to handle when the homesite has anti-leech enabled (so no one will be able to directly import addons or other files from the homesite if I enable it). Version 11 beta8 will address this, so once it is released, beta7 and earlier will no-longer be able to directly import addons or other files from the homesite.

Beta testers, I strongly encourage you to give beta7 a try now, and report any errors you encounter , before beta8 comes out in a week or two. That way, I can address them. I am already aware of, and will fix, these:
  • get_option infinite loop
  • Type error in mail bounce checking
  • ob_flush error when using web requests to trigger scheduled hooks
  • anti-leech leaking raw session IDs in the download URLs
  • possible content translation issues
Please consider enabling telemetry for errors under Setup > Configuration > Privacy / legal compliance options so I can get some of the more nuanced errors.

Thank you for your patience. And thank you for testing Composr 11!

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