Calling spammers and white hackers!

Are you a white hacker and want something to try and hack?
Do you enjoy posting spam but have no place to do so?
Are you frustrated about something in life and just want to take your anger out?
Want to help version 11 be the most stable Composr version ever?

We want you! Your spamming and your hacking will help us identify and squash those pesky remaining bugs in v11.

I have set up a sandboxed install of Composr version 11 beta1 at . This is a full installation with all non-bundled addons installed.

The administrator credentials are the following:

Username: CommonFrozen
Password: RIT_hJs25YkerM:R:5TB

Here are some things you can do / I encourage you to do:
  • Click all the buttons and links
  • Fill out all the forms
  • Go to all the pages
  • Change all the settings
  • Uninstall / reinstall the addons
  • Play around with the themes
  • Try to break the site (use SQL injection, use XSS attacks, manipulate the DOM / URLs, etc)
  • Browse the site as a guest and try to do things guests aren't supposed to be able to do
Add any errors you get or unexpected behavior to the tracker. You can use this easy report issue tool on the website.

If the site is broken or otherwise just needs a reset, please let me know in a Private Topic.

If you get banned, please let me know in a Private Topic with your IP address (shouldn't happen if you're logged in the admin account, but it's possible you might get server-banned).

Here are the things I do not want you to do
  • Trying to spam or hack anything else; stick to just this site and the file contents pertaining to the site
  • Intentionally trying to do anything to break the server
  • Posting anything illegal
  • Uploading any viruses / malware / spyware / illegal content / pirated content
  • Changing the maintenance password or the database credentials
  • Changing the account username, password, or e-mail address
  • Performing a DDoS attack
  • Using this site to send spam e-mails
I have an IP log of everyone who participates in this experiment, so I will server-ban anyone who does any of the above.

For every issue you find, report to the tracker, and gets fixed / implemented, you will earn points. Those points will become very handy once v11 is stable and we migrate over to Under the Bazaar model, the more points you have, the more voting power you will have in making decisions for the Composr community.

You will also get recognition for your contributions on the changelog of the next beta version of v11.

Have fun! And feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

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Composr 11 beta1 released!

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Composr 11 beta2 released