Temporarily going back to Mantis bug tracker


You may have noticed at first I was promoting registering with a GitLab account and using the same e-mail address / username on here as there. That was because the original plan was to use GitLab issues for tracking feature suggestions and bug reports (instead of Mantis, which is what we used on compo.sr).

Unfortunately, I ran into several hiccups in the process. One of our needs is to be able to award points, and to track how many issues people open up, to incentivise community involvement. But GitLab's webhook and REST APIs do not provide all of the data we need to make that happen (without using a premium subscription, or accepting there would be bugs as-in potentially missing or phantom points). Additionally, we need a way to sponsor issues using points, which would not have been easy to do through GitLab.

For these reasons, I have reverted to using Mantis. If you notice, the "issues" tab on our GitLab has disappeared. And https://composr.app/tracker now takes you to our Mantis tracker. In fact, I migrated over all of the issues from compo.sr over to composr.app . And you can still use our handy report issue tool located in the menu under Support > Report a Software Issue.

How do points play a role? 

Issue reporters get 25 points when an issue is resolved. And the resolver of an issue also gets 25 points. These points also contribute towards your tally on the Community > Stars page.

Additionally, you can sponsor points on an issue. When browsing through https://composr.app/tracker , and viewing a specific issue, there is a "Sponsorship" box. If you want to see a particular issue get implemented, you can escrow points onto it. If the issue gets resolved, the resolver also gets those points in addition to the base 25 points (so a sponsorship incentivises people to resolve it because that means more points to be earned). If the issue is closed without resolution, your sponsorship is refunded. And you can always change your amount at any time when the issue is open.

This is intended to be temporary. When, and if, we figure out a way to do these things in GitLab, we will go back to using GitLab issues instead. But given the very short amount of time I have to get content transitioned from compo.sr to composr.app, it was not worth trying for now when Mantis does what we need it to do. 

Please let me know if you experience any issues. 


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