Hello everyone.
This will be brief, but you may have noticed compo.sr (the homesite for Composr v10) is now read-only.
We learned very recently about the UK Online Safety Act, which went into effect (well rather, compliance was required by) 12 am GMT March 17. Compo.sr, being a UK-based site, is legally obligated to comply to these new regulations. But unfortunately, the site is in no condition to meet basic requirements of this new legislation. Furthermore, with v10 having fallen out of regular maintenance, we did not have the resources to make v10 / compo.sr compliant with these new regulations.
That means we have no choice but to put it in a read-only state despite composr.app not being in a fully functional state yet and v11 not being stable.
Why doesn't it affect composr.app? Well, it does actually. However, composr.app is US-based rather than UK-based. And version 11 has much better geo-location features and parental controls to be able to handle these new regulations.
We sincerely apologize for the such short notice in this happening. This was not ideal for any of us. But we must adapt to the law.
Composr v11 (and thus composr.app) still has its fair share of bugs, but it should be stable enough to use. It's just a matter of getting the Constitution in order and some house-keeping. We hope to see you here shortly.
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