Composr Version 11 beta6 (bleeding-edge)
This is the manual installer (as opposed to the regular quick installer) for version 11 beta6. This version is a beta release of the next major version of Composr. Upgrading to this release is unrecommended for live sites, v10 sites, or v11 sites with content translations enabled.
The following tracker issues have been resolved since version 11.beta5…
The following changes were made via git since version 11.beta5…
Special thanks to these members for resolving the issues above:
Special thanks to these members for reporting the issues above:
Special thanks to these individuals who contributed code to the git repository for this release:
Important upgrade information
Please consider the following before upgrading to version 11 beta6:- Please do not upgrade if your site has content translations enabled (it is currently broken).
You can check in your _config.php file; if you do not have a multi_content setting defined, or it is set to '1', then content translations are enabled and you should not upgrade to this version (wait for a later one). - The way Composr compiles and executes overridden code has changed behind the scenes.
Now, Composr will create compiled PHP files under a new _compiled directory (from a combination of the original and custom / overridden code) and use those when necessary. Consider this a cache. You may need to periodically reset it (if you change your code) by going under Admin Zone > Tools > Cleanup tools > Compiled software scripts, or by simply deleting everything under _compiled except .htaccess and index.html. This feature has not been thoroughly tested. Please report issues to the tracker if you find them. You may experience broken compiled files from time to time which can be resolved with a simple refresh of the page. But you should still report this to us when you experience it. - Your site may be broken after upgrading if you have non-bundled addons installed.
This is because of the above bullet point. Simply launch your site in safe mode from the upgrader (or put keep_safe_mode=1 in your URL), and then upgrade your non-bundled addons through Admin Zone > Structure > Addons management. If your site is not detecting updates, you can download them from and import them. - We fixed a few upgrader issues that were present.
Those who may have had trouble upgrading in the past because the personal upgrader on the site was broken should be able to now. Also, non-bundled addons were not being indicated as an update available when they should have; this should now be fixed.
The following tracker issues have been resolved since version 11.beta5…
- Textually log per-member their agreements to the declarations [core_cns]
- We need a special field type for serialized data [core]
- cms_comcode_pages not properly checking permissions [actionlog]
- Change get_username_from_human_name to process_username_discriminator [core_cns]
The following changes were made via git since version 11.beta5…
- Enable strict_types when in DEV_MODE via bootstrap.php and call_included_code; modify entry scripts to use it; initial type error fixes (lots more to go)
- Implement sources_compiled (wasn't planned until v12 but is now necessary for strict_types to work correctly) (heavy WIP!)
- Docs: remove mentions of code overrides in init functions as they were removed; re-write to explain contentious overrides
- Remove orphaned special init function code
- Fix bugs with moderation ticks doing nothing when editing posts
- More tick bugs on topics
- Delete old compiled file automatically when no longer needed
- Various strict_types fixes; migrate overrides previously in init functions to contentious; make sure third-party code is not compiled
- Cannot use script tags
- SQL error with lurkers page
- Keys are getting turned to integers when they should stay strings
- Various strict_mode fixes; use _compiled instead of sourced_compiled as it might compile modules too
- Oops, forgot to remove a hack; also forgot to check minimodules in permissions tree editor
- Path error in sitemap editor causing some things to not move despite success message
- Sitemap editor move pages popup going to home instead of sitemap
- Clarify htaccess error more
- Need to detect zone from page when running snippets too
- Wrong variable name
- Try non-blocking lock checks
- Account for _compiled folder in telemetry
- Parallel processes might be generating _compiled sub-directories at the same time; check for this
- Try wrapping ace editor into a load event
- Missing lang string
- Incorrect CSP on RSS feeds
- Don't list _compiled files in the code editor; if we must, we can use Commandr-fs
- Update incorrect language for ratchet
- Add cleanup tool for erasing _compiled scripts
- find_available_addons could be slow
- match_key_match returns false if no match keys provided; should handle this in site messages
- get_headers parameter types changed in 8.0; we need a LEGACY wrapper
- Misc strict_types fixes
- Add field type SERIAL (untested)
- Achievements non-bundled addon
- Misc minikernel changes to fix installer issues
- Add support for dev releases (treated as alpha)
- Add safeguards for development builds
- Add stat cache clearing
- Dev build
- Revert version file as it will mess with maintenance status tracking
- Change language
- Fix broken version file
- Add a 5-second cut-out on achievements Cron
- Telemetry: auto-resolve errorservice errors; use GUIDs instead of IDs
- ...
- ...
- Remove Roboto from default fonts; it often loads bold, and then everything is bold
- Better styling for achievements page
- Add border to karma bar
- is something including this twice?
- DB consistency fixes for relayed errors
- Fix issues with join declarations system
- Check for permissions on join module
- Implement a more elegant check_for_infinite_loop system
- do_block_hunt_file should be using require_code to support contentious
- Code standards: require non-use of braces for require/include due to weird return behaviour
- Merge branch 'v11' of into v11
- Fix more brace issues
- New standard: do not use *_once when loading dynamic PHP files
- Revert; is broken
- CQC fixes
- Fix mod and GUIDs
- ...
- Automated test fixes (round 1)
- TODO processing
- Make sure rename_config_option properly handles when old does not exist or when both old and new exists
- Ack, config system installs all options upfront even if default, so we cannot do special handle when both old and new exists
- Misc TODO and other fixes
- Additional CQC fixes
- Wrong upgrade code for renaming config
- Duplication
- Whoops, that should be count
- Actually that was wrong too; parameterised returns an array always
- Edit comments
- More effective addon versioning (WIP)
- Update all addon hooks with new get_version and current mtime
- Actually mtime might not be reliable; do an md5 of addon file CRC32 hashes instead
- ...
- ...
- Additional work with addon versioning
- Use hashes from beta5 so builds increment on beta6
- Fix background colours
- CQC fixes
- Upgrade fixes
- Forgot to commit
- Addon upgrade should utilise new version format
- New build
- Broken make upgrader block
- Revert forward to beta4
- Prioritise installed addon info over TAR when checking for updates; bug fix
- Prevent publishing addons to the wrong target category
Special thanks to these members for resolving the issues above:
Special thanks to these members for reporting the issues above:
Special thanks to these individuals who contributed code to the git repository for this release:
- Lovinity