Composr Version 11 beta4 (bleeding-edge)
This is version 11 beta4. This version fixes a critical error in the installer of version 11 beta3. Upgrading to this release is unrecommended for live sites; v10 sites.
This release fixes a critical error from the installer in version 11 beta3 "Undefined variable $conn".
The following tracker issues have been resolved since version 11.beta3…
The following changes were made via git since version 11.beta3…
Special thanks to these members for resolving the issues above:
Special thanks to these members for reporting the issues above:
Special thanks to these individuals who contributed code to the git repository for this release:
This release fixes a critical error from the installer in version 11 beta3 "Undefined variable $conn".
The following tracker issues have been resolved since version 11.beta3…
- CPF and catalogue date and date_time fields do not handle time zones properly [core_fields]
- cns_polls_action2 reversing points when revoking a vote should be checking member_id as well in SQL. [General / Uncategorised]
- Points not reversing for topic poll votes when the topic is deleted [cns_forum]
- Perhaps spam detection should not ban web crawlers [core]
- eCommerce should not use short-hand points format [core]
- spreadsheets: Replace Spout with another library [General / Uncategorised]
- Incorrect page being passed to change_detection.php when using redirects [actionlog]
- Theme wizard not adjusting colours for css_custom files [themewizard]
- Change security risk percentage to risk score + other improvements [securitylogging]
The following changes were made via git since version 11.beta3…
- Add backwards compatibility for percentage_score
- tut tweak
- Fix referer fields
- Add a couple useful stats for cms_homesite
- Update graph colours: first three based on theme seed, plus make lighter on dark theme
- global-message strong should not be normal font weight
- Undefined variable $conn in installer
- Add safety limit for addon file list display
- Use a lang string instead
- Misc test fixes
- Add missing index.html and .htaccess files
- revision archives falsely assumes all revisions will exist in a custom directory
- More automated test fixes
Special thanks to these members for resolving the issues above:
Special thanks to these members for reporting the issues above:
Special thanks to these individuals who contributed code to the git repository for this release:
- Lovinity (Patrick Schmalstig)