
(26 KB)

Two new features to your shout box. Shake makes all the current visitors to your website's browser screen shake. The second makes any new messages within the shout box appear like an apparition and fly towards the current users of the site.

After installing this addon your shout box will essentially be treated as an embedded copy of the chatroom linked to it. Enter/leave room messages will be saved into the room when a member goes somewhere it is shown. For that reason you may want to associate it to a chatroom that isn't used independently to avoid that room being cluttered with these messages (the messages don't show in the shout box itself, as they are filtered out there). Alternatively you can blank out the language strings that provide the enter/leave room messages - Composr will recognise this and turn the feature off.

System Requirements / Dependencies


Website Software Requirements

Minimum version: 11


Licensed on the same terms as Composr


