Aws Ses

(199 KB)

This addon is a handler to remove bounce messages detected within the Amazon SES e-mail framework.

Amazon SES

Amazon SES allows very high volume bulk e-mailing, while conventional web hosts will put low limits on how many e-mails you can send. SES is by far the best priced bulk e-mailing provider.

To configure SES we recommend you specifically set the newsletter configuration options so that only newsletters send via your Amazon SES SMTP server. This has a number of advantages:
  1. You can make use of the SES sandbox to test your infrastructure separate to your other e-mailing activities
  2. SES is subject to an approval step, so you can't switch over to it immediately anyway
  3. SES has particular policies that you must comply with, and if they judge you as non-compliant you don't want all your e-mail to stop
  4. Usually your host-based e-mail is free, while SES is paid – so it makes sense to only use SES for when you really do need the high-volume stuff
  5. SES is more likely to be on spam blocklists, so it makes sense to isolate its use to bulk e-mail only
  6. Putting your bulk e-mail through a separate queue will avoid clogging up the delivery of your other e-mails, which may be more time-sensitive

To use SES via SMTP, you need to use TLS, which means you need the better_mail addon.

It is not optional that you have to remove bounced addresses from your newsletter: Amazon may penalise you if you don't. You therefore need to listen to the bounces that Amazon picks up.
You need to:
  1. Set up an Amazon SNS topic
  2. Set up an HTTP subscription to the topic to http://baseurl/data_custom/amazon_sns_topic_handler.php
  3. Set up SNS to publish to the topic

System Requirements / Dependencies

PHP curl extension, PHP openssl extension

Website Software Requirements

Minimum version: 11

Optional recommendations



Apache license

Additional credits/attributions


