Composr Tutorial: International support communities

Written by Chris Graham
There is a commercial opportunity for individuals or organisations that want to take responsibility for the translation and support of Composr in their native language.

(For details on how Composr translation works, see the Localisation and internationalisation tutorial)

The process works like this:
  1. Join the translation team on Transifex
  2. Ensure all urgent and high priority strings have been translated (this is a big job, it may take around 2 weeks of person hours)
  3. Make a partnership inquiry telling us:
    • - which language you've finished translating
      • your Transifex username
      • Your username (if not logged in)
      • that you'd like to take responsibility for support the language
    • provide a link to this tutorial, to clarify to us that you're going through this official process

    We'll then:
    • create a subforum of the Translation forum
    • make you a moderator of this forum
    • create a pinned topic on the forum saying who you are (you'll have access to edit it)
    • download the strings from Transifex, do some basic testing, and publish a translation addon
    • List yourselves on the partner directory so people know what services you provide

    As a privilege of maintaining the translation and doing basic support:
    • You will receive points for your work which can be used in the Composr ecosystem
      • These points go towards the "translator saviour" role which may list you on the Community stars page
    • You will be listed in Composr as a contributor for the language pack(s) you are maintaining
    • Your listing in the partners directory gives you promotion within the community for your services
    • You will receive the "Translator saviour" achievement with the potential to earn additional achievements depending on how much you translate

    See also


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