Function __global->put_in_standard_box



  • Get the Tempcode for a standard box (CSS driven), with the specified content entered. Please rarely use this function; it is not good to assume people want anythings in one of these boxes... use templates instead.
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Return: object


Name Type Default Set Range Description
$content Tempcode required parameter N/A N/A The content being put inside the box, provided in HTML format
$title ?Tempcode Null N/A N/A The title of the standard box, provided in HTML format (null: titleless standard box) (blank: titleless standard box)
$type ID_TEXT default N/A N/A The type of the box. Refers to a template (STANDARDBOX_type)
$width string Blank (empty string) N/A N/A The CSS width
$options string Blank (empty string) N/A N/A '|' separated list of options (meaning dependant upon templates interpretation)
$meta string Blank (empty string) N/A N/A '|' separated list of meta information (key|value|key|value|...)
$links string Blank (empty string) N/A N/A '|' separated list of link information (linkhtml|...)
$top_links string Blank (empty string) N/A N/A Link to be added to the header of the box
$class string Blank (empty string) N/A N/A CSS class to use


  • The contents, put inside a standard box, according to the other parameters
  • Type: Tempcode
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A