Function __global->points_ledger_calculate



  • This is a low-level function to calculate the number of points directly from the ledger for the given criteria.This function accounts (adjusts) for reversed and refunded transactions as well.
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Return: array


Name Type Default Set Range Description
$types integer required parameter N/A N/A The calculations we want to return (see LEDGER_TYPE_*)
$primary_member MEMBER required parameter N/A N/A The member to calculate (received: The member receiving the points) (sent and spent: the member using the points)
$secondary_member ?MEMBER Null N/A N/A Optionally filter to a secondary member (received: The member who sent the points to the primary member) (sent: The member who received the points from the primary member) (spent: always the system) (null: any member)
$where LONG_TEXT Blank (empty string) N/A N/A Optionally add additional WHERE to the SQL (should start with ' AND')


  • Map; key is a type based on $types, value is the tuple of [count of active transactions matching criteria, number of points, number of gift points]
  • Type: array
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A