Function __global->paragraph



  • Get the Tempcode for a paragraph. This function should only be used with escaped text strings that need to be put into a paragraph, not with sections of HTML. Remember, paragraphs are literally that, and should only be used with templates that don't assume that they are going to put the given parameters into paragraphs themselves.
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Return: object


Name Type Default Set Range Description
$text mixed required parameter N/A N/A The text to put into the paragraph, provided in HTML format (string or Tempcode)
$guid string Blank (empty string) N/A N/A GUID for call
$class ?string Null N/A N/A CSS classname (null: none)


  • The generated paragraph
  • Type: Tempcode
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A