Function __global->graph_scatter_diagram



  • Generate a scatter diagram.1 measure of scattered data across two uneven dimensions.
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Return: object


Name Type Default Set Range Description
$datapoints array required parameter N/A N/A Data-points to render
$x_axis_label mixed Blank (empty string) N/A N/A X-axis label, provided in plain-text format (string or Tempcode)
$y_axis_label mixed Blank (empty string) N/A N/A Y-axis label, provided in plain-text format (string or Tempcode)
$options array [] N/A N/A Map of additional fiddly options
$color ?string Null N/A N/A Colour for plotting (null: get from default colour pool)
$width ?string Null N/A N/A Width (null: responsive)
$height ?string Null N/A N/A Height (null: responsive)


  • The diagram
  • Type: Tempcode
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A