Function __global->get_gallery_content_tree



  • Get a list of maps containing all the gallery entries, and path information, under the specified gallery - and those beneath it, recursively.
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Return: array


Name Type Default Set Range Description
$table ID_TEXT required parameter N/A N/A The table we are working with
$submitter ?AUTO_LINK Null N/A N/A Only show images/videos submitted by this member (null: no filter)
$gallery ?ID_TEXT Null N/A N/A The gallery being at the root of our recursion (null: true root)
$breadcrumbs ?string Null N/A N/A The breadcrumbs up to this point in the recursion (null: blank, as we are starting the recursion)
$title ?ID_TEXT Null N/A N/A The name of the $gallery we are currently going through (null: look it up). This is here for efficiency reasons, as finding children IDs to recurse to also reveals the child's title
$levels ?integer Null N/A N/A The number of recursive levels to search (null: all)
$use_compound_list boolean False N/A N/A Whether to get a list of child galleries (not just direct ones, recursively), instead of just IDs
$editable_filter boolean False N/A N/A Whether to only show for what may be edited by the current member


  • A list of maps for all galleries. Each map entry containing the fields 'id' (gallery ID) and 'breadcrumbs' (path to the category, including the categories own title), and more. Or if $use_compound_list, the tree structure built with pairs containing the compound list in addition to the child branches
  • Type: array
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A