Function __global->add_usergroup_subscription
- Add a usergroup subscription.
- Visibility: public
- Is abstract?: No
- Is static?: No
- Is final?: No
- Returns: int
Name | Type | Passed by reference? | Variadic? | Default | Set | Range | Description |
$title | SHORT_TEXT | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The title |
$description | LONG_TEXT | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The description |
$price | REAL | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The price |
$tax_code | ID_TEXT | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The tax code |
$length | integer | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The length |
$length_units | SHORT_TEXT | No | No | required parameter | y m d w | N/A | The units for the length |
$auto_recur | BINARY | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | Auto-recur |
$group_id | GROUP | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The usergroup that purchasing gains membership to |
$uses_primary | BINARY | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | Whether this is applied to primary usergroup membership |
$enabled | BINARY | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | Whether this is currently enabled |
$mail_start | ?LONG_TEXT | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription is start (null: default) |
$mail_end | ?LONG_TEXT | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription is ended (null: default) |
$mail_uhoh | ?LONG_TEXT | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription cannot be renewed because the subproduct is gone (null: default) |
$mails | array | No | No | [] | N/A | N/A | Other e-mails to send |
- The ID
- Set: N/A
- Range: N/A
Code (PHP)
* Add a usergroup subscription.
* @param SHORT_TEXT $title The title
* @param LONG_TEXT $description The description
* @param REAL $price The price
* @param ID_TEXT $tax_code The tax code
* @param integer $length The length
* @param SHORT_TEXT $length_units The units for the length
* @set y m d w
* @param BINARY $auto_recur Auto-recur
* @param GROUP $group_id The usergroup that purchasing gains membership to
* @param BINARY $uses_primary Whether this is applied to primary usergroup membership
* @param BINARY $enabled Whether this is currently enabled
* @param ?LONG_TEXT $mail_start The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription is start (null: default)
* @param ?LONG_TEXT $mail_end The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription is ended (null: default)
* @param ?LONG_TEXT $mail_uhoh The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription cannot be renewed because the subproduct is gone (null: default)
* @param array $mails Other e-mails to send
* @return AUTO_LINK The ID
function add_usergroup_subscription(string $title, string $description, float $price, string $tax_code, int $length, string $length_units, int $auto_recur, int $group_id, int $uses_primary, int $enabled, ?string $mail_start, ?string $mail_end, ?string $mail_uhoh, array $mails = []) : int
* Add a usergroup subscription.
* @param SHORT_TEXT $title The title
* @param LONG_TEXT $description The description
* @param REAL $price The price
* @param ID_TEXT $tax_code The tax code
* @param integer $length The length
* @param SHORT_TEXT $length_units The units for the length
* @set y m d w
* @param BINARY $auto_recur Auto-recur
* @param GROUP $group_id The usergroup that purchasing gains membership to
* @param BINARY $uses_primary Whether this is applied to primary usergroup membership
* @param BINARY $enabled Whether this is currently enabled
* @param ?LONG_TEXT $mail_start The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription is start (null: default)
* @param ?LONG_TEXT $mail_end The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription is ended (null: default)
* @param ?LONG_TEXT $mail_uhoh The text of the e-mail to send out when a subscription cannot be renewed because the subproduct is gone (null: default)
* @param array $mails Other e-mails to send
* @return AUTO_LINK The ID
function add_usergroup_subscription(string $title, string $description, float $price, string $tax_code, int $length, string $length_units, int $auto_recur, int $group_id, int $uses_primary, int $enabled, ?string $mail_start, ?string $mail_end, ?string $mail_uhoh, array $mails = []) : int