Function __global->add_leader_board



  • Create a new leader-board.
  • Visibility: public
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Returns: int


Name Type Passed by reference? Variadic? Default Set Range Description
$title SHORT_TEXT No No required parameter N/A N/A The leader-board title
$board_type SHORT_TEXT No No required parameter holders earners N/A The type of leader-board
$member_count integer No No required parameter N/A N/A The number of top members to use for this leader-board
$timeframe SHORT_TEXT No No required parameter week month year N/A The frequency which to re-calculate the leader-board
$rolling BINARY No No required parameter N/A N/A Whether or not re-calculation should be relative to the creation time of the leader-board
$include_staff BINARY No No required parameter N/A N/A Whether or not to include staff in the leader-board
$usergroups ?array No No [] N/A N/A Only allow members in one or more of the defined usergroup IDs to be in the leader-board (null: do nothing) (empty array: no usergroup filtering)
$calculate_voting_power BINARY No No 0 N/A N/A Whether this leader-board should also calculate voting power and control percentages for leaders to display
$creation_time ?TIME No No Null N/A N/A The forced creation time of the leader-board (null: do not force / use current time)


  • The ID of the new leader-board
  • Type: AUTO_LINK
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A


Code (PHP)

 * Create a new leader-board.
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT $title The leader-board title
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT $board_type The type of leader-board
 * @set holders earners
 * @param  integer $member_count The number of top members to use for this leader-board
 * @param  SHORT_TEXT $timeframe The frequency which to re-calculate the leader-board
 * @set week month year
 * @param  BINARY $rolling Whether or not re-calculation should be relative to the creation time of the leader-board
 * @param  BINARY $include_staff Whether or not to include staff in the leader-board
 * @param  ?array $usergroups Only allow members in one or more of the defined usergroup IDs to be in the leader-board (null: do nothing) (empty array: no usergroup filtering)
 * @param  BINARY $calculate_voting_power Whether this leader-board should also calculate voting power and control percentages for leaders to display
 * @param  ?TIME $creation_time The forced creation time of the leader-board (null: do not force / use current time)
 * @return AUTO_LINK The ID of the new leader-board

function add_leader_board(string $title, string $board_type, int $member_count, string $timeframe, int $rolling, int $include_staff, ?array $usergroups = [], int $calculate_voting_power = 0, ?int $creation_time = null) : int