Function __global->_ensure_loaded__ids_and_parents
- Lazy-loading of IDs is no longer sufficient, pull them in.
- Is abstract?: No
- Is static?: No
- Is final?: No
- Return: N/A
Name | Type | Default | Set | Range | Description |
$field_name | ?string | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The database's ID field for the record-set we're matching (null: use a different lookup method) |
$table_name | ?string | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The database's table for the record-set we're matching (null: use a different lookup method) |
$ids_and_parents | ?array | required parameter | N/A | N/A | A map between record-set IDs and record-set parent-category-IDs (null: use a different lookup method) |
$ids_and_parents_callback | mixed | required parameter | N/A | N/A | A call_user_func_array specifier to a function that will give a map between record-set IDs and record-set parent-category-IDs. We pass a call_user_func_array specifier because we don't want to have to generate it unless we need to (if we need to do 'avoiding' matches or 'subtree' matches) |
$category_field_name | ?string | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The database's field name for the record-set's container-category specifier (null: don't support subtree [*-style] searches) |
$db | ?object | required parameter | N/A | N/A | Database connection to use (null: website) |