Function Standard_crud_module->get_entry_rows
- Standard CRUD-module entry function to get rows for selection from.
- Visibility: public
- Is abstract?: No
- Is static?: No
- Is final?: No
- Returns: array
Name | Type | Passed by reference? | Variadic? | Default | Set | Range | Description |
$recache | boolean | No | No | False | N/A | N/A | Whether to force a re-cache |
$orderer | ?ID_TEXT | No | No | Null | N/A | N/A | Order to use (null: automatic) |
$where | array | No | No | [] | N/A | N/A | Extra where clauses |
$force_site_db | boolean | No | No | False | N/A | N/A | Whether to always access using the site database |
$join | string | No | No | Blank (empty string) | N/A | N/A | Extra join clause for our query (blank: none) |
$max | ?integer | No | No | Null | N/A | N/A | Maximum to show (null: standard) |
$query_end | string | No | No | Blank (empty string) | N/A | N/A | Extra complex query to add to the end |
- A pair: Rows for selection from, Total results
- Type: array
- Set: N/A
- Range: N/A
Code (PHP)
* Standard CRUD-module entry function to get rows for selection from.
* @param boolean $recache Whether to force a re-cache
* @param ?ID_TEXT $orderer Order to use (null: automatic)
* @param array $where Extra where clauses
* @param boolean $force_site_db Whether to always access using the site database
* @param string $join Extra join clause for our query (blank: none)
* @param ?integer $max Maximum to show (null: standard)
* @param string $query_end Extra complex query to add to the end
* @return array A pair: Rows for selection from, Total results
public function get_entry_rows(bool $recache = false, ?string $orderer = null, array $where = [], bool $force_site_db = false, string $join = '', ?int $max = null, string $query_end = '') : array
* Standard CRUD-module entry function to get rows for selection from.
* @param boolean $recache Whether to force a re-cache
* @param ?ID_TEXT $orderer Order to use (null: automatic)
* @param array $where Extra where clauses
* @param boolean $force_site_db Whether to always access using the site database
* @param string $join Extra join clause for our query (blank: none)
* @param ?integer $max Maximum to show (null: standard)
* @param string $query_end Extra complex query to add to the end
* @return array A pair: Rows for selection from, Total results
public function get_entry_rows(bool $recache = false, ?string $orderer = null, array $where = [], bool $force_site_db = false, string $join = '', ?int $max = null, string $query_end = '') : array