Function DatabaseConnector->translate_field_join



  • Create a join into the translate table, with a preference to language-matched translations but fall-back.
  • Visibility: public
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Returns: string


Name Type Passed by reference? Variadic? Default Set Range Description
$field ID_TEXT No No required parameter N/A N/A Field name of what we are joining against
$join_alias string No No t N/A N/A Join alias
$lang ?LANGUAGE_NAME No No Null N/A N/A Language (null: current language)
$join_type string No No LEFT JOIN N/A N/A Join type


  • Join SQL
  • Type: string
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A


Code (PHP)

 * Create a join into the translate table, with a preference to language-matched translations but fall-back.
 * @param  ID_TEXT $field Field name of what we are joining against
 * @param  string $join_alias Join alias
 * @param  ?LANGUAGE_NAME $lang Language (null: current language)
 * @param  string $join_type Join type
 * @return string Join SQL

public function translate_field_join(string $field, string $join_alias = 't', ?string $lang = null, string $join_type = 'LEFT JOIN') : string