Function DatabaseConnector->query_select_value_if_there



  • Get the specified value from the database, or null if there is no matching row (or if the value itself is null). This is good for detection existence of records, or for use if they might may or may not be present.
  • Visibility: public
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No


Name Type Passed by reference? Variadic? Default Set Range Description
$table string No No required parameter N/A N/A The table name
$select string No No required parameter N/A N/A The field to select
$where_map array No No [] N/A N/A The WHERE map [will all be ANDed together]
$end string No No Blank (empty string) N/A N/A Something to tack onto the end
$fail_ok boolean No No False N/A N/A Whether to allow failure (outputting a message instead of exiting completely)
$lang_fields ?array No No Null N/A N/A Extra language fields to join in for cache pre-filling / Tempcode, perhaps via the find_lang_fields function. You only need to send this if you are doing a JOIN and carefully craft your query so table field names won't conflict (null: auto-detect, if not a join)


  • The first value of the first row returned (null: nothing found, or null value found)
  • Type: ?mixed
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A


Code (PHP)

 * Get the specified value from the database, or null if there is no matching row (or if the value itself is null). This is good for detection existence of records, or for use if they might may or may not be present.
 * @param  string $table The table name
 * @param  string $select The field to select
 * @param  array $where_map The WHERE map [will all be ANDed together]
 * @param  string $end Something to tack onto the end
 * @param  boolean $fail_ok Whether to allow failure (outputting a message instead of exiting completely)
 * @param  ?array $lang_fields Extra language fields to join in for cache pre-filling / Tempcode, perhaps via the find_lang_fields function. You only need to send this if you are doing a JOIN and carefully craft your query so table field names won't conflict (null: auto-detect, if not a join)
 * @return ?mixed The first value of the first row returned (null: nothing found, or null value found)

public function query_select_value_if_there(string $table, string $select, array $where_map = [], string $end = '', bool $fail_ok = false, ?array $lang_fields = null)