Function DatabaseConnector->query_select
- Get the database rows found matching the specified parameters. Unlike 'query', it doesn't take raw SQL -- it assembles SQL based the parameters requested.Only use this if you're where condition is a series of AND clauses doing simple property comparisons.
- Visibility: public
- Is abstract?: No
- Is static?: No
- Is final?: No
- Returns: array
Name | Type | Passed by reference? | Variadic? | Default | Set | Range | Description |
$table | string | No | No | required parameter | N/A | N/A | The table name |
$select | array | No | No | [ "*" ] | N/A | N/A | The SELECT map |
$where_map | array | No | No | [] | N/A | N/A | The WHERE map [will all be ANDed together] |
$end | string | No | No | Blank (empty string) | N/A | N/A | Something to tack onto the end of the SQL query |
$max | ?integer | No | No | Null | N/A | N/A | The maximum number of rows to select (null: get all) |
$start | integer | No | No | 0 | N/A | N/A | The starting row to select |
$fail_ok | boolean | No | No | False | N/A | N/A | Whether to allow failure (outputting a message instead of exiting completely) |
$lang_fields | ?array | No | No | Null | N/A | N/A | Extra language fields to join in for cache pre-filling / Tempcode, perhaps via the find_lang_fields function. You only need to send this if you are doing a JOIN and carefully craft your query so table field names won't conflict (null: auto-detect, if not a join) |
- The results (empty array: empty result set) (null: error)
- Type: ?array
- Set: N/A
- Range: N/A
Code (PHP)
* Get the database rows found matching the specified parameters. Unlike 'query', it doesn't take raw SQL -- it assembles SQL based the parameters requested.Only use this if you're where condition is a series of AND clauses doing simple property comparisons.
* @param string $table The table name
* @param array $select The SELECT map
* @param array $where_map The WHERE map [will all be ANDed together]
* @param string $end Something to tack onto the end of the SQL query
* @param ?integer $max The maximum number of rows to select (null: get all)
* @param integer $start The starting row to select
* @param boolean $fail_ok Whether to allow failure (outputting a message instead of exiting completely)
* @param ?array $lang_fields Extra language fields to join in for cache pre-filling / Tempcode, perhaps via the find_lang_fields function. You only need to send this if you are doing a JOIN and carefully craft your query so table field names won't conflict (null: auto-detect, if not a join)
* @return ?array The results (empty array: empty result set) (null: error)
public function query_select(string $table, array $select = ["*"], array $where_map = [], string $end = '', ?int $max = null, int $start = 0, bool $fail_ok = false, ?array $lang_fields = null) : ?array
* Get the database rows found matching the specified parameters. Unlike 'query', it doesn't take raw SQL -- it assembles SQL based the parameters requested.Only use this if you're where condition is a series of AND clauses doing simple property comparisons.
* @param string $table The table name
* @param array $select The SELECT map
* @param array $where_map The WHERE map [will all be ANDed together]
* @param string $end Something to tack onto the end of the SQL query
* @param ?integer $max The maximum number of rows to select (null: get all)
* @param integer $start The starting row to select
* @param boolean $fail_ok Whether to allow failure (outputting a message instead of exiting completely)
* @param ?array $lang_fields Extra language fields to join in for cache pre-filling / Tempcode, perhaps via the find_lang_fields function. You only need to send this if you are doing a JOIN and carefully craft your query so table field names won't conflict (null: auto-detect, if not a join)
* @return ?array The results (empty array: empty result set) (null: error)
public function query_select(string $table, array $select = ["*"], array $where_map = [], string $end = '', ?int $max = null, int $start = 0, bool $fail_ok = false, ?array $lang_fields = null) : ?array