Function CMSPermissionsScannerLinux->generate_chmod_command



  • Generate a chmod command from differential octal permissions.
  • Visibility: public
  • Is abstract?: No
  • Is static?: No
  • Is final?: No
  • Returns: string


Name Type Passed by reference? Variadic? Default Set Range Description
$path PATH No No required parameter N/A N/A The path the command is for
$octal integer No No required parameter N/A N/A Permissions
$operator string No No required parameter - + N/A Change operator


  • Chmod command
  • Type: string
  • Set: N/A
  • Range: N/A


Code (PHP)

 * Generate a chmod command from differential octal permissions.
 * @param  PATH $path The path the command is for
 * @param  integer $octal Permissions
 * @param  string $operator Change operator
 * @set - +
 * @return string Chmod command

public function generate_chmod_command(string $path, int $octal, string $operator) : string