Support Tickets

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Users can communicate with staff privately through Support Tickets.

Assign to individual staff: Includes the ability for staff members to “take ownership” of raised issues, and for staff to discuss.

Allow users to e-mail in their tickets and replies to a designated e-mail address

Expanded access granting: Grant third party members access to individual tickets.

FAQ integration: Automatically search FAQs before opening a ticket.

Multiple ticket types: Set up different types of support tickets, with different access levels and fine-grained ticket notification settings.

Anonymous posting: Allow staff to post anonymously or as a designated support operator account so that customers don't always expect the same employee to reply.

Merging: If customers open multiple tickets for the same issue, you can merge them.

Closing: Let customers close tickets that are now resolved, or do it yourself.

Filtering: Filter the tickets you see by status and ticket type.

