What web technologies does Composr use beyond HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?

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Question What web technologies does Composr use beyond HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?
Answer Composr relies on a wide range of web technologies (depending on what features and settings you use), including:
  • Protocols: HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, DNS, and others
  • Data formats: XML, JSON, CSV, PHP's serialized format, iCalendar, and various image and archive formats
  • Standards: Accessibility standards (WCAG, WAI-ARIA), metadata standards (Open Graph, schema.org, Dublin Core), and microformats
  • Server-side technologies: PHP, SQL (for database interaction)
  • Composr-specific technologies: Tempcode (template system), Comcode (content language), Page-links, Filtercode, Selectcode, and Language packs

