How do I set up Composr Mobile SDK in my iOS and Android projects?

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Question How do I set up Composr Mobile SDK in my iOS and Android projects?
Answer iOS (Xcode):
  • Create a new project or open an existing one.
  • Add a Prefix Header file (.pch) if you don't have one, following the provided instructions.
  • Add required frameworks to your project's Build Phases.
  • Add the CMS SDK to your project, then remove references to unwanted files.
  • Set the header search path to the CMS SDK folder in build settings.
  • Add a compiler option for the JsonKit library.
  • Import CMS_SDK.h in your .pch file.

Android (Eclipse):
  • Create a new project or open an existing one.
  • Import CMS SDK into your workspace as an Android project.
  • Ensure "Is Library" is checked in the CMS SDK's "Android" properties tab.
  • Add CMS SDK as a dependent library in your project's properties.
  • Clean and rebuild your project.

