What Image and Video Formats are Supported?

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Question What Image and Video Formats are Supported?
Answer Images:
  • .jpg/.jpeg: Highly compressed, best for photos due to minimal noticeable quality loss.
  • .png: Good compression with no quality loss, ideal if bandwidth isn't a concern.
  • .gif: Limited to 256 colors and poor compression. Better alternatives are video or APNG.
Note that Composr does not support SVG because hackers can leverage the XML-like structure of SVG files to compromise a website.

  • .mp4 (h.264 aac encoding): The recommended format, widely supported.
  • .mov (h.264 aac encoding): Identical to .mp4.
  • .webm: Supported natively in most browsers, but requires plugins for Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge and Safari.

Other formats, while they may work, are generally discouraged due to compatibility issues and lack of consistent addon or browser support.

