What are the different ways to add downloads to my Composr site?

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Question What are the different ways to add downloads to my Composr site?
Answer Composr offers several methods for adding files to the download system:

  • Uploading via web form (when adding a download in the Content Management Zone): This is the simplest method, where you attach the file directly when defining the download details. However, it's not suitable for large files and can be affected by unreliable internet connections.
  • Uploading and referencing the URL: You can manually upload the file using FTP/SFTP/SCP and then provide the URL to the file in the 'Add download' form. While this is better for large files, it requires additional
 access, and the file isn't managed directly by Composr.
  • Batch adding from an FTP server: This allows staff to add multiple downloads from an FTP server in one go using FTP URLs. It's efficient for bulk uploads but requires separate addition of descriptions.
  • Batch adding from a directory: Similar to the FTP method, staff can add downloads from a web server directory accessible by URL.
  • File/media library (filedump): Webmasters can use any of the above methods to upload a file to uploads/filedump and then reference it in a download. This is especially handy if you are going to reference the file more than once on your site.

