This is just a placeholder site for Composr CMS 11 beta. It will become the new homesite once version 11 reaches stable. For the current v10 homesite, click here. Please also use the v10 tracker to report v11 issues.
The telemetry service is being re-built and will not work for any sites until v11 beta7. Please report all Composr errors you encounter to the tracker to ensure the developers receive them.
How does Composr implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern?
How does Composr implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern?
Model/API: The sources directory primarily houses scripts forming the Model/API, handling data logic and business rules.
View: Templates in themes/default/templates represent the View, responsible for presenting data to the user. Comcode pages can also be considered part of the View.
Controller: Entry scripts like index.php and site/dload.php act as front controllers, directing requests. Modules and blocks, residing in */pages/modules and sources/[mini]blocks, respectively, serve as controllers, managing user interactions and determining which View to render.
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