What are the different security levels in Composr's Setup Wizard and what do they affect?
Composr offers five security levels in the Setup Wizard: Minimum, Low, Medium, High, and Ultra High. Each level sets various security configurations that you can later customize under Admin Zone > Setup > Configuration.
The security levels influence settings such as:
Content Security Policy
Session expiry time
Password reset process
Password expiry days
Minimum password length and strength
Login error secrecy
IP strictness for sessions
Cryptographic ratchet
Brute force threshold
URL Monikers
.htaccess restrictions on maintenance scripts
Enquiry on new IP addresses
The higher the security level, the more stringent the security measures, with Ultra High offering the most robust protection but the most potential inconvenience to users.
Generally, you should use these settings depending on your site:
Minimum: Very bare-bones informational-only sites
Low: Sites which do not allow public registrations and do not use eCommerce but have content managed by different staff, and are not concerned with privacy or data
Medium: Sites with social features / public accounts but do not use eCommerce.
High: Sites which use eCommerce.
Ultra High: Sites containing very sensitive data, such as but not limited to cybersecurity sites, government departments, banks, healthcare, etc.
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