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Newest 10 Entries
Question | What is rate limiting and how can I enable it in Composr? |
Answer | Rate limiting prevents server overload by restricting the number of requests allowed from a single IP address within a specific timeframe. To enable Composr's built-in rate limiting, add the following to your _config.php file:Code (PHP)$SITE_INFO['rate_limiting'] = '1'; $SITE_INFO['rate_limit_time_window'] = '10'; $SITE_INFO['rate_limit_hits_per_window'] = '5'; This configuration limits each IP to 5 requests every 10 seconds. This feature generates soft errors early in the process before Composr fully loads. |
Question | How can I reduce disk activity to improve performance? |
Answer | If your hard disk is slow, you can implement the following settings in your _config.php file to minimize disk access:
Note: These settings override default behaviors and may have unintended consequences. Use with caution. |
Question | What is static caching and how do I enable it? |
Answer | Static caching drastically improves performance by serving pre-generated pages to bots and guests. This works because these users typically don't require dynamic content. To enable it:
Composr intelligently determines what to cache, and you can further control this via options within the Installation Options. Be aware that enabling static caching may disable eCommerce features for guests unless specifically configured. |
Question | What are Composr caches and how do they improve website performance? |
Answer | Composr utilizes various types of caches to enhance performance by storing pre-calculated results and reducing repetitive tasks. These caches include:
Question | How can I troubleshoot notification problems? |
Answer | If you're having issues with notifications, here are some troubleshooting steps:
Question | Can I control which notifications members receive? |
Answer | Yes, you can control notification settings through two mechanisms:
Question | What notification options are available to members? |
Answer | Members can choose from a wide range of notifications, including:
Members can choose to receive notifications via:
Question | Can I share content like news and banners across the M.S.N.? |
Answer | Yes, you can share news by placing it on the central site and using RSS blocks on satellite sites to display it. Banners can be shared by adding them to the central site and configuring satellite sites to use the central site's banner.php script. |
Question | What should I consider when managing usergroups for subcommunities? |
Answer |
Question | What are Composr Clubs and how are they useful for subcommunities? |
Answer | Clubs are special usergroups in Conversr (Composr's forum system) designed for creating subcommunities. They come with their own dedicated forums and are managed by members, taking pressure off site staff. Key features:
Top 10 Entries
Question | Are there any limitations to importing forum data? |
Answer | Yes, some limitations exist, particularly with specific forum platforms.
Question | Where can I find the import functionality in Composr? |
Answer | Navigate to Admin Zone > Tools > Import. |
Question | What data formats can Composr import? |
Answer | Composr primarily uses database connections for importing. However, it also supports neutral data formats like CSV spreadsheet files and importing downloads from a directory. |
Question | Can I import data from other platforms into Composr? |
Answer | Yes, Composr offers importers for several popular platforms:
Question | How do I move my Composr website to a new server? |
Answer | Moving a Composr site involves transferring both the files and the database. Files:
Important Steps:
Question | Can I integrate third-party JavaScript libraries into Composr? |
Answer | Yes, you can integrate third-party JavaScript libraries using various methods:
Question | How does Composr handle user authentication with external systems like LDAP or HTTP authentication? |
Answer | Composr can integrate with LDAP and HTTP authentication, but these features are considered complex and may require programming experience to set up correctly. Both methods allow users to log in to Composr using their existing credentials from the external system, streamlining access and management. |
Question | What are the limitations of using a third-party forum driver? |
Answer | Using a third-party forum driver can lead to limitations. Custom profile fields of type LONG_TEXT are limited to TEXT length, cookie integration is not officially supported and can be complex, and some forum drivers have specific quirks detailed in the nuances tutorial. |
Question | What are the implications of using the "none-forum" driver? |
Answer | Using the "none-forum" driver disables or limits many Composr features, including commenting, points, and user interactions. Consider using Conversr instead and restricting access to the forum zone, join module, and personal zone. |
Question | How can I integrate my forum visually into my website? |
Answer | Composr allows you to integrate your forum visually into your website. Enable "Show forum within website" in the Admin Zone configuration module and update the forum link in your menu to pass through the "forums" embedding module. You may need to adjust CSS to achieve a seamless look. |