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Newest 10 Entries

Question How can I communicate privately with other members?
Answer Conversr offers two ways to have private conversations:
  • Private Topics:
    • Start a private topic from a member's profile, by clicking "Whisper" on their post and selecting "Quote post to a new Private Topic with this member," or from your account by selecting "Start a Private Topic" and entering the desired username.
    • Participate in the topic just like a regular forum topic.
    • You will receive notifications for new posts in your private topics.
    • Topics can be moved to the "Trash" category or other categories of your choosing for organization.
  • Inline Personal Posts (Whispers):
    • Send a private message within a public topic by clicking "Whisper" on a post and selecting "In-topic personal post to this member."
    • Whispers are visible only to the sender and recipient, and the whispered post is highlighted.
    • Receive notifications for new whispers.
Question What are some key considerations when choosing field types for my catalogue?
Answer When selecting field types, consider:
  • Data type: Choose the appropriate field type for the data you want to collect (text, numbers, dates, etc.).
  • Comcode support: If you need rich text formatting or translation support, opt for fields that support Comcode.
  • Validation: Some field types offer built-in validation to ensure data accuracy.
  • Privacy implications: Be mindful of the sensitivity of the information and whether it requires specific privacy considerations.
Question How can I ensure the privacy of personal information stored in my catalogues?
Answer Composr's privacy system can help manage personal data within catalogues. To leverage it:
  • Use specific field types: Utilize dedicated field types for sensitive data like member IDs, usernames, emails, IP addresses, and passwords for efficient handling by the privacy system.
  • Enable "May contain personal information": Mark fields that may contain personal information, enabling the privacy system to identify and handle such data during purging or downloading.
Question What are some specialized types of catalogues available in Composr?
Answer Composr supports specialized catalogues, including:
  • eCommerce catalogues: Integrate with the Composr shopping cart for online stores.
  • Classified ads: Offer features like archival categories and usergroup-specific advert durations.
Question How are breadcrumbs handled in catalogue views?
Answer Catalogue breadcrumbs can be customized using XML code (Admin Zone > Structure > Configure breadcrumb overrides). By default, they include the list of catalogues. However, Composr provides default breadcrumb XML that removes this, focusing on the current category hierarchy. Tree catalogues omit the index link, while non-tree catalogues include it.
Question What is a tree catalogue and how do I create one quickly?
Answer A tree catalogue has a hierarchical category structure (which can contain sub-categories), similar to the download system. Composr offers a special feature for creating tree catalogues by simply typing the desired categories in a specific format (which is explained and available when adding a new catalogue), which automatically generates the tree structure.

Alternatively, a non-tree catalogue is simpler and only has top-level categories.
Question Can I customize the look and feel of my catalogue?
Answer Yes, Composr allows advanced users to customize catalogue appearance through Tempcode programming. This involves using template IF directives to apply specific styles based on the catalogue's name and manipulating template parameters for complex layouts. Alternatively, you can create new template files using the catalogue name in the file to specify complete templates for specific catalogues. Check out the tutorials for more information.
Question What are the different display types for catalogue entries?
Answer Composr provides four main display types for catalogue entries:
  • Title lists: Simple lists of entry titles linking to the full entry page.
  • Field-maps: Highly flexible, displaying as many fields as you desire within the category view.
  • Tabular listings: Organizes entries into columns, suitable for short data fields.
  • Grids of images: Displays entries as a grid of images, ideal for visual catalogues.

It is possible to create your own templates including ones that are specific to a catalogue. Check out the catalogues tutorial for more information.
Question Why might I need a programmer for my catalogue?
Answer While Composr catalogues offer great flexibility, they can become complex if you need sophisticated data relationships, efficient searching, high data reliability, or advanced customization. In these cases, a programmer's expertise in database design, normalization, and templating can be invaluable.
Question What are catalogues in Composr?
Answer Catalogues are custom databases you can create within your Composr website. They allow you to define your own records with custom fields and organize them into categories. Think of them as powerful tools for managing various types of content, like a database of books, a directory of businesses, or even a classified ads system.

Top 10 Entries

Name Jim Davidson
Title / Role contributor
Contributions / Notes

written many tutorials via Arvixe

Name Chris Warburton
Title / Role developer for ocProducts
Contributions / Notes

Made some key contributions to ocPortal

Name Haydn Maidment
Title / Role project manager for ocProducts
Contributions / Notes

None available

Name Steve Jarvis
Title / Role project manager for ocProducts
Contributions / Notes

Wrote many tutorials via Arvixe

Name Philip Withnall
Title / Role Early Developer
Contributions / Notes

Coded the chatroom, blogging support, the analytics system, and OcCLE (now Commandr)

Masters Degree in Computer Science degree from The University Of Cambridge

Other work has included helping out with Firefox, and ongoing work on GNOME

Name Allen Ellis
Photograph Image
Title / Role Founder
Contributions / Notes

Original designer for ocPortal

Also conceived and coded the Theme Wizard and Point Store

Son of one of the early inventors of Internet protocols (Usenet, aka Internet newsgroups)

Token non-brit

Name Robert Goacher
Photograph Image
Title / Role Founder
Contributions / Notes

Ran some of the early websites where ocPortal came from

Technically the original developer of ocPortal, in that he wrote the first few lines of code

Heavily involved in the feature design process

Hosted some of our early meet-ups

Name Chris Graham
Photograph Image
Title / Role Founder
Contributions / Notes

Original developer of ocPortal, former lead developer of Composr CMS

Masters degree in Computer Science from The University Of Sheffield

Undertaken work for over 15 FTSE-100 companies, as well as many small and mid-sized organisations. Includes a number of banks and major brands.



Website Earth & Sky
Screenshot Image
Short Description Earth & Sky is a Composr v11 gallery website showcasing natural photography by Mark Brunner.
Website Saving Wallden
Screenshot Image
Short Description This is an informational website for a Visual Pinball X game in development called "Saving Wallden". The site features the planned game rules, development news, and a download of the game as it is so far.