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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
6157Composrcore_primary_layoutpublic2025-03-01 02:49
Reporterdkpartycomrade Assigned ToGuest  
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version10.0.50 
Summary6157: CSS changes not reflected on website
DescriptionI originally posted this on the forums titled something along the lines of "How do I change line-height?", (In designing forum).

Long story short, I figured out in themes you can customize the global.css and also html pages. After feedback from users on my websites, reading the long articles would look better with a line-height of 1.6em versus the 1.3 em that is default.

I initially changed this toggled on the CSS page of the main theme I was using on the global file, (the global_html wrap I didnt find the line-height value), however the website does not reflect the actual change in line height.

I return back to the CSS page in admin zone themes, and the value is reflective of the change, yet the physical website itself does not show the change in line height.
Steps To ReproduceAdmin Zone > Themes > Edit CSS > global.css, line 752-753

-- .zone_running_docs .comcode_page {
    line-height: 1.6em;

(ORIGINALLY shows 1.3 em), yet when changed to 1.6 and saved, there is no change on the main website page.
Additional InformationComposr version: 10.0.50.
PHP Version: 8.2.27
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2025-03-01 01:31

administrator   ~9829

Automated message: This issue was created using the Report Issue Wizard on the Composr homesite.


2025-03-01 02:22

reporter   ~9830

I was wondering if since I saved the CSS edit for the theme, if I used the tools to decache the template cache would it reflect the change or would it break my theme and revert it? (Something I don't want to do)



2025-03-01 02:37

administrator   ~9831

Last edited: 2025-03-01 02:39

I'll address the original issue another time as I'm signing off for the day.

But clearing the cache will not revert theme changes.

Theme edits are saved under themes/*/*_custom folders. Caches are saved under themes/*/*_cached folders. When clearing the template cache, the *_cached files are the ones that get deleted. And they are re-generated with the new theme changes as people load different pages on your site.


2025-03-01 02:38

administrator   ~9832

See above (commenting this in case you did not get notified of my previous originally-private comment); private comments are not viewable except by staff and should only be used when reporting security issues or submitting very sensitive information.


2025-03-01 02:49

reporter   ~9833

Regarding the making comment private, understood. Take care Patrick, thanks for the swift response and I'll await the rest!

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-01 02:22 dkpartycomrade Note Added: 0009830
2025-03-01 02:37 PDStig Note Added: 0009831
2025-03-01 02:37 PDStig Note View State: 0009830: public
2025-03-01 02:37 PDStig Note View State: 0009831: public
2025-03-01 02:38 PDStig Note Added: 0009832
2025-03-01 02:39 PDStig Note Edited: 0009831
2025-03-01 02:49 dkpartycomrade Note Added: 0009833