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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
6153Composrchatpublic2025-03-14 22:38
Reporterdkpartycomrade Assigned ToGuest  
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version10.0.50 
Summary6153: Error when initiating Private IM
DescriptionI have 2 browsers open, Edge and chrome. Each of these are logged into two accounts on my website. I went on one, and I tried to initiate a private IM with my other account, and I got an error upon typing the first message.

[An error occurred when loading this screen onto the web browser. You are being notified of this as you are staff. If you believe this is a bug in Composr, please contact the developers with full details. More details are available in your browser's error console. The error was:

56: Uncaught TypeError: result.getElementsByTagName is not a function]

This made it so the chats did not automatically pop up when chatted, and only were seen once the page refreshed. Affected both accounts.
Steps To ReproduceInitiate a private IM through Chat Lobby > Instant Messaging (private conversations). Pick the user and then press start. Sending one message should intiate the error. For both parties, sending the first messag should initiate the error. Chats can't be seen unless entire page is refreshed.
Additional InformationI love Composr!

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has duplicate 6158 ClosedPDStig Instant chat unsuable 



2025-02-26 09:25

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-14 22:38 PDStig Relationship added has duplicate 6158