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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
6151ComposrGeneral / Uncategorisedpublic2025-02-25 22:54
Reporterdkpartycomrade Assigned ToGuest  
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version10.0.50 
Summary6151: Unexplained Pages Deleted or Inaccessable
DescriptionAfter I began my website with Composr CMS, everything was going well, there were no issues, content was posted, people joined, the functions worked, however after utilizing the personal message, after a while I got an error when trying to send messages or view replies as

stated: An error has occurred
The requested page (topicview) is missing.

I have no idea why this happened or for what reason, I did the normal automatic installation. Everything was so smooth until it wasnt for random reason.
Additional InformationI am not sure if I am able to use FTP to copy a new install's files and replace what is "missing". Would that fix it?
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2025-02-25 15:12

administrator   ~9809


Can you provide a full URL to that missing page? I would like to check if Composr is properly pointing to the forum zone.


2025-02-25 15:28

reporter   ~9810

Unfortunately I already gave up and uninstalled the website and reinstalled a fresh one. If the problem happens again, I will post here.


2025-02-25 15:31

reporter   ~9811

Also, for reference, the forum worked. It was the private messaging / DM system that disappeared after it worked fine.


2025-02-25 15:43

administrator   ~9812

Okay, noted. Do you remember if you enabled URL schemes, and if so, did you copy the file recommended.htaccess into .htaccess?

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-25 08:19 dkpartycomrade New Issue
2025-02-25 08:19 dkpartycomrade File Added: error.png
2025-02-25 15:12 PDStig Note Added: 0009809
2025-02-25 15:13 PDStig Tag Attached: Roadmap: v11
2025-02-25 15:13 PDStig Tag Detached: Roadmap: v11
2025-02-25 15:28 dkpartycomrade Note Added: 0009810
2025-02-25 15:31 dkpartycomrade Note Added: 0009811
2025-02-25 15:43 PDStig Note Added: 0009812